DCL - Dynamic Content Language

Emarketeer specific functions

466 views November 18, 2016 December 14, 2023 robert 0

Emarketeer has several functions which are not part of “core” DCL. These includes getting data from the contact card , your user account and so on.


To be able to track a link in Emarketeer you have to use the link function, your html may use a normal <a href=”url”>Link</a>, it will work but it will not be tracked. The link command looks like this.

<% link url="url-to-link" caption="Label to link" [attrib="htmlattributes"]
[html="true"] %>

The url argument is where you put the url. It should be urlencoded as this is not done for you automatically. The caption argument is the Label of the link, this may be pure text or it may be HTML code. If it’s HTML code you give the link function the html=”true” argument. The attrib argument is atrributes for the resulting “A” tag in the rendered html.


The contact function fetches or prints values from the contact cards its form are.

<% contact field="fieldname" %>

Fieldname is one of these.

Fieldname Explaination
firstname Firstname of contact
lastname Lastname of contact
salutation How to salute this contact. For example “Mr”, “Mrs”
company This contacts work company
email Email address of contact
title Work title
telephone Contacts telephone number
fax Contacts fax number
mobile Contact mobile telephone number
address1 First line in contacts address
address2 Second line in contacts address
city City of contact
state State of contact
zip Zip or postal code of contact
country Country of contact
external_id Id in users CMS
note Your note of this contact

Note: Custom contact fields are added with the syntax

<% contact field="fieldname" type="custom" %>

If you are unsure, go in to an e-mail and use the built in personalization button in any text to bring up the proper code for each field.


The user function fetches or prints information about your user account.

Fieldname Explaination
logo The url to your companys logo in emarketeer takes a second argument “version” which can be “light” or “dark”. The light background logo is the default
company Company name
address1 First address line of company
address2 Second address line of company
city City of company
zip Zip or postal code of company
state State of company
country Country of company
webpage Homepage of company, optional argument “protocol” may be set to true to include protocol in adress (Normaly https://)
url Url this user uses to access emarkeeter.
telephone Tehephone number of company


The scramble code is generated when sending an email. It is used internaly in emarkeeter to know which contact is for example clicking the email.


The block function fetches specific data from a block in emarketeer. The different block types have different fields that may be fetched. Note that this fetches the literal string typed into the block. It does not returned evaluated code.

<% block name="text1" field="text" %>

The name argument is a relative path to the block you are looking for. It starts at the node in the tree you are, nodes are separated by a “.”. The keyword parent is reserved and goes up one in the block tree. Consider this.

<% block name="parent.block1.text2" field="text" %>

This name parameter goes from current up one to the parent container block, then to “block1” container block and last to the “text2” text block. If the name argument starts with “.” We are beginning at the root node. Consider this.

<% block name=".block1.text2" field="text" %>

Here it doesn’t matter in which block we start, we are always looking from the root and down the tree.

Text Block

Fieldname Explaination
text The text entered into the text block

Image Block

Fieldname Explaination
url the url of the image

Link Block

Fieldname Explaination
url the url of the link
caption the link caption

Container Block

Fieldname Explaination
text Returns the HTML source code of the block

Option Block

Fieldname Explaination
value Current value of the option block


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