DCL - Dynamic Content Language

Language Syntax

269 views November 18, 2016 robert 0

The inner workings of DCL is very simple. The most fundamental terms are function, argument and value. All functions returns a string and takes named arguments in the form of a string. Here is a small example to show how it works. The code in this example will print the firstname from the contact card.

<% contact field="firstname" %>
<% – Tell the page we are about to run a DCL function
Contact – What is the name of the function
Field – The argument name
“firstname” – The argument value
 %> – End DCL function


Whitespace are non visible characters and may be used at will to make your DCL code cleaner and more readable. If you like you may code DCL like this.


It is however used more if your DCL code lines becomes excessively long.


Function starts with “<%” and end with “%>”, a function returns a string which will be printed out in the page or used as an argument to another function. Here we make a link to our website using the user field “website” as an argument to the link function.

<% link url=<% user field="website" %> caption="Link to Website" %>


A string is a sequence of zero or more characters, in DCL a literal string is written with doublequotes.

"This is a string"

There is exactly one character thats needs to be escaped in a literal string, the doublequote. If you put 2 doublequotes in a row there will be 1 in the resulting string.

"There is only 1 "" in this string"

To concatenate strings we use the “+” character.

"This is a string" + "We add this string"

As functions returns a string you may use a function as an argument to another function (See 3.2), you may even concatenate functions and literal strings. The code below takes firstname and lastname from the contact card, put a space in between them and uppercase it all. Notice how we use whitespace to clean up this code.

<% upper string=
	<% contact field="firstname" %> +
	 " " +
	 <% contact field="lastname" %>

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