
We are excited to announce that we are migrating to a new billing system, and we’d like to inform you about a few key updates that may affect you. Starting October 1, 2024, the new billing system will be fully operational, bringing some changes you should be aware of: New Invoice Design Expect a fresh look […]

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Google and Yahoo email services has announced that they will apply more strict rules for receiving emails, scheduled to take effect in February 2024. By reviewing this document you can make changes to make sure you comply and can continue hitting the inbox on their recipients. Safeguarding Inbox Security: New Sender Requirements Gmail and Yahoo […]

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The consent sync service in eMarketeer ensures that the legal basis for marketing sendounts in eMarketeer and SuperOffice are the same. The main benefit is that you do not accidentally send out emails to contacts that have unsubscribed using SuperOffice but the email is sent out from eMarketeer. In mid November this service will launch […]

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