Lead scoring works the best when you set up your own lead score rules, but to get you started, there are some default score rules in eMarketeer. Those score rules are active by default and the points are calculated on all your eMarketeer contacts. The score range we have in mind for the default score rules is 0-100 points.
We have grouped the rules into two different score sets and the rules are:
Default engagement score set:
Includes score rules based on the contacts’ marketing engagement, like link clicks and web visits.
Clicked a link in an SMS 5 points
Clicked any link in an email 5 points
Clicked any link on a landing page 5 points
Submitted any form 15 points
Visited a landing page 5 points
Visited any page on website 10 points
The time frame is set to 3 months for all rules. That means that the contacts that fulfill these rules will only get the points if it happened in the past 90 days.
Default persona score set:
Includes score rules based on the information on the contact cards, like demographics.
First name is set on contact card 2 points
Last name is set 2 points
Job title is set 2 points
Company is set 2 points
Country is set 2 points
Phone number is set 2 points
The default score sets can be edited, inactivated, or even removed if you’d like. Visit this tutorial to learn how to set up your own score rules in eMarketeer.