
Creating Clickable Email Address Links and Buttons

108 views July 26, 2021 Aiden 0

Clickable Email addresses in a text that automatically create a new email message with the address as the recipient are not uncommon on the web and is something that many email clients do automatically for incoming email, but if you want to make sure that an email address in text or a button has this functionality then this article will show how that can be accomplished.

The way to do this is the same as for web pages, you link to a URL that is made up of the prefix “mailto:” followed by the email address, like this:

Clickable Address In Text

To create a clickable email link in the text of a component you follow the same steps as when you want to link to a website.

  1. Highlight/Select the text you want to be clickable
  2. Click the Hyperlink/Link button in the text editor
  3. In the Link URL field you want to write the email address, but with the prefix “mailto:
  4. Apply the Link URL to the text

Note: Best practice is to avoid adding this type of link in the text of an Email Component. Instead, most email clients add it automatically to the email for the recipient if they find an email address in the text of an email so that the sender doesn’t need to create the link before sending.

Example of Email Link applied to Text


Button that is linked to the Email Address

As in the example above, you add the “mailto:” URL to the URL field, but in this case you add it to the URL field of a Button Link.

  1. Select the block where you want the button and open the “Link” box that corresponds to the button you want
  2. In the Link URL field you want to write the email address, but with the prefix “mailto:
  3. Apply the Link URL to the text


Example of Email Link on a Button

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