Getting Started

eMarketeer Terminology

71 views April 26, 2022 Aiden 2

If you are wondering about the terms used in eMarketeer to refer to specific features and functions then this article is for you, it covers most terms that are used frequently to refer to features in the application. This list is not definitive so if you have encountered a term you are unsure about, contact Support and they’ll explain it.



The top-level feature for structuring how your Campaigns are stored on the Account. Folders are shown at the top of each Navigation page and can contain other Folders or contain Campaigns.

A Campaign is where you create and store your Components, such as Emails. Each Campaign has a degree of separation from all other Campaigns and cannot contain other Campaigns, only Components.


The building blocks of your Campaigns, every Email, Form, SMS, Webpage, or App is a Component of the Campaign.

An Email Component is the type of Component you can send out as an Email message from eMarketeer.

A Form Component is what you use for registrations, surveys, evaluations, etc. In essence, a webpage with Form functionality.

An SMS Component is the type of Component you can send out as an SMS message from eMarketeer.

A Webpage Component is a landing page hosted by eMarketeer which functions as a normal website page.

Mobile App
A Mobile App Component, also called ‘App’ is a type of webpage that work like an App and can be saved to a smartphone’s home screen with its own App Icon.

An Automation is a feature that can perform additional actions based on a Contact’s interactions with a Component in the Campaign. Such as sending an automatic email notification to someone when a specific answer is submitted to a Form, among other things.

Campaign Field
Campaign Fields is a way to store information about the Campaign in a centralized place where all Components in the Campaign can find it. The Components can display the content of Campaign Fields in their own Content, which means that you can write the description of an event once and then display the description in all Components.

Campaign Dashboard
The Dashboard is a page in the Campaign where you can create widgets to keep track of certain statistics, such as a Funnel Chart where you track how many contacts were sent an email invitation and then progressed all the way to attending an event (Was sent Invitation > Read the Invitation > Registered to the Event > Attended the Event).


A Contact is a reference to a person who you store information about in eMarketeer, identified by their email address. These are the people who are sent emails, visit webpages and submit form answers.

Contact Card
The Contact Card is where the information about a Contact and their interactions with eMarketeer Components are stored. Components use the Contact Cards to identify who submitted a specific Form answer or who was sent which Email, among many other things such as the Contact’s email subscription preferences.

Contact List
A Contact List is simply a static list of contacts which can be used to administer a group of contacts or be used as a recipient list for an Email sendout.

Contact Selection
A Selection is a dynamic list of contacts that pertain to some sort of engagement with a Component, such as the contacts that have read a specific Email you’ve sent. A Selection works like a Contact List, but is updated dynamically as new Contacts fill the requirement to be included.

Contact Filter
A Filter is used to show all contacts that match the Filter parameters. Can be used to show Contacts that have unsubscribed from emails, work for a specific company, or been created since a specified date, among other things.

All Contacts are subscribed or unsubscribed to your categories for Email and SMS messages and will not be sent those that they are unsubscribed from. This information is stored on their Contact Cards.

All Contacts have their own Consent settings that are shown on their Contact Cards. There are two types; Marketing Sendouts, and Store & Process. Withdrawn Consent means that the Contact doesn’t wish to receive any future communication from the Account or wish their Contact Card to be deleted.


A Component Template is a type of Component shown in the “Add Component” menu, which servers as a base for the creation of new Components. All components are based on a Template, and are in essence a copy of the Template. Components are always connected to the Template they are created from and updates to a Template’s Content can be manually propagated to Components based on it.

Each Component has a Report where you can see information relevant to the Component and access all settings for the Component. The Reports show things like recipients of and email, contact interactions with the component, and the answers to a Form, as well as containing Contact Selection lists based on this information.

A Sendout is what we call the process and events that pertain to sending an Email or SMS to a list of Contacts. While an Email is the content of the message, the action of addressing and sending the Email message is called an Email Sendout.

Editor / Editing
All Components can be edited and each type of Component has its own editing page with relevant features for that type of Component. When you edit a Component you are editing what we call its Content.

Content Blocks
Most Components are built from smaller parts that are called Content Blocks, these individual Blocks are configured for specific purposes such as showing an image or text, which together create an Email, Form, or Webpage. There are many types for many purposes that you can use, and you can also customize them or create your own. The questions used in Forms are a little different from the other types of Content Blocks, but this term can be used for Form Items/Questions as well.

Content Section
This term is seldom used but refers to the part of a Components Content where the Content Blocks are contained and isn’t something that many users interact with directly. Each Component is at a base level made up of two sections: the background, which usually is a uniform color or image, and the Content Section where the Content Blocks are contained in a centered column.

This term refers to an eMarketeer feature that can be used to dynamically show information in a Component’s Content that is stored on a relevant Contact Card or in a Campaign Field. The feature can be accessed in the Component Editors via the buttons that show a person/contact icon. When you add such information to a Component you are Personalizing it for the individual recipients, hence the name.


Account and User Administration

Account / Company Account
The term Account primarily refers to the Company or Organization’s eMarketeer Account and is what Users are logged in to when they log in on eMarketeer.

This refers to User accounts that are used by Users to log in to eMarketeer and can have different permissions such as Administrator or Developer. The term is often confused with the terms Account and Contact.

A User can be an administrator on the account, which means that they have Administrator permissions and can manage the Account’s administration settings such as custom domains, billing, and other Users on the Account.

A User with Developer permissions can access the Developer Mode in the Component Editors and make fundamental changes to Templates, Components, and Content Blocks.

Multi-Factor Authentication, can be enabled for a User to add an additional authentication step during login that requires them to input a code from an app to be able to access the Account.

Domain / Custom Domain
Refers to the domain name used by eMarketeer for web pages created on the Account and hosted by eMarketeer.

Email Domain / Custom Email Domain
Refers to an email domain name for a domain that is used for sending Email Sendouts from the Account.

Integrations are ready-to-use connections with other services that Administrators can activate to enable additional features pertaining to the external service.



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